By becoming a member of ACA(NI) you will no longer be in a position of having no one to turn to for support or advice if a situation arises that you have not had any experience of. At least four member’s meetings will be held each year usually at key times of the farm consultancy calendar, for example, late February each year to coincide with the opening of the Single Application Form period.
These meetings are a forum to discuss relevant topics and for the management committee to report on any relevant developments and updates from our stakeholder meetings with DAERA to the membership. Quite often a guest speaker is invited to provide an insight into more specialised topics associated with the business of providing farm consultancy services.
The management committee of the association have regular meetings with DAERA bringing member notified issues to DAERA. These meetings help to improve our role in benefitting our clients, especially in completing the Single Application Forms but they also help to inform DAERA of the problems ACA (NI)members encounter when working with their clients. All in all this provides a better service for our clients. Again the point should be made that our members have professional liability, but check before engaging a ACA (NI) member.
Updates on all issues that affect the clients of our members are provided to the membership via our chairperson who circulates the latest information to all members via email on a daily basis generally.
All members of ACA (NI) are professionals who provide an invaluable service to their clients. As a member you will be able to display your membership of the association thus showing your clients that you are a part of a recognised province wide professional organisation.
If you would like to join our association, please complete the membership form below and return it to the Secretary where your application will be considered.