We have put together some links you might find useful. For more links please visit the Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and Great Britain. Please note that clicking on the link will display that website in a new tab/window, and we can not be held responsible for 3rd party content.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has responsibility for farming, environmental, forestry, food, fisheries and sustainability policy and the development of the rural sector in Northern Ireland.
The Department assists the competitive development of the agri-food, fishing and forestry sectors of the Northern Ireland economy, carries out environmental functions and has policy responsibility for Northern Ireland’s Sustainability Strategy.
DAERA is responsible to the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in Great Britain for the administration of schemes affecting the whole of the United Kingdom.
DAERA has two Executive Agencies:

The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) offers full-time and part-time courses to educate new entrants and support staff working within the agri-food and rural sectors to improve business efficiency.
The below are very beneficial to farm businesses:
- Training Courses
- Technical Support
- Events
- Technical Resources