You will have received an e-mail on 01 February 2022 advising that DAERA will be holding a further Information Session Webinar for those that are considering making an application to the FBIS Tier 2 Tranche 2 scheme.
This Information Session Webinar will be held on Tuesday 15 February at 8.00pm. The link to join the event is below. If your application is being completed by an Agent you are reminded to forward the link to them so they can access the session.
To gauge interest in this event we would appreciate if you could use the voting buttons above to let us know if you plan on attending the event, do not plan to attend the event or have your agent attend the event on your behalf.
This will be a further opportunity to review the resources available online, look at key elements of the Business Plan and the necessary documents that are required to be uploaded as part of the application. In the meantime if you have any queries please forward them, along with your unique Expression of Interest reference number to the Tier 2 inbox at
I would also like to draw your attention to the most recent explanatory booklet and Frequently asked questions that can be obtained from the link below.
Farm Business Improvement Scheme Capital Scheme (FBIS-C) Tier 2 Tranche 2 | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs ( <>